50g roasted black sesame seeds(You can use roasted black sesame butter or paste. but please note “black tahini” is basically not roasted so it has different taste. slightly bitter)
180g cashew nuts (you can replace this with other nuts or vegetable oil but cashew is the best)
150g cane sugar (Any other sweetener can be substitution.)
600g soy milk (choose your vegan milk)
1 tbsp(10g) coconut oil (this is optional. you can skip this if you want to)
1. grind black sesame well.
2. put everything together into a blender container.
3. blend well.
4. pour the mixture into an ice cream maker.
5. leave your ice cream in a freezer at least a few hours.
6. Enjoy!
黒炒りゴマ 50g
カシューナッツ 180g
きび砂糖 150g
豆乳 600g
ココナッツオイル 10g